Changing your health cover

Changing dependants

You may add or remove dependants at any time during the year. New spouses and newborn babies added within 90 days of the event can join without underwriting (no waiting periods) whereas other new dependants may receive underwriting.

Special dependants e.g., parents may only be added if they are financially dependent on the main member and subject to the medical scheme rules and your employer policy.

Please use the forms tab to obtain the correct form.

Changing an option and/or scheme

Discovery allows specified downgrades during the year. It is important to note that moving to a lower plan may result in an amount owing to the Scheme if you have spent more from your Personal/Medical Savings Account than the amount contributed at the time of the downgrade.

All other upgrades and downgrades and scheme changes are only allowed at the end of each year effective 1 January of the following year. See the Year End Option Changes Card

Chronic medicine and disease management

If you have been diagnosed with a chronic condition e.g., hypertension, diabetes or an illness (e.g., oncology, kidney failure), you will need to register this on your medical scheme. Medical schemes require you to complete a process to ensure registration on the programmes. It is advisable to obtain a membership number and then submit your application for chronic and disease registration.

Children becoming adults

Discovery will charge adult contribution rates from the 1st of the month following the 21st birthday.

Changing your personal details

It is advisable to change your address, contact and bank details directly with your medical scheme. Only changes that have a financial impact on your monthly contribution need to be made through Lactalis SA or your employer.

Employer policy

Lactalis SA’s policy outlines the company’s rules about changing your scheme, option, dependants and more.


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