
Benefit newsletters

Detailed information focused on specific benefits of your medical scheme.

Preventative screening tests - Health screening tests can identify potential health problems before they become serious, giving employees the chance to take action and prevent further complications Detecting health problems early lowers treatment costs, manages certain conditions and makes employees healthier and happier. In turn, this translates to better attendance and higher work productivity.

Joining a medical scheme doesn’t always mean you’re completely covered for all your medical expenses. You may be responsible for paying a co-payment, deductible, or both. Keep in mind that these copayments and deductibles can vary depending on the medical scheme you participate in.

Gap cover is an insurance type that helps cover the difference, or gap, between what your medical scheme pays and your medical expenses.

Prescribed minimum benefits (PMB’s) are medical services that the Medical Schemes Act prescribes or mandates medical schemes to cover for all members. The aim is to provide people with continuous care to improve their health and wellbeing and to make healthcare more affordable.

Wellness newsletters

Interesting and useful information on tips about various wellness topics, including physical, mental and general wellness.

Client communication

Company specific communication and details about your healthcare arrangements and processes for your company are available here.