Tools and support

Rate calculator

The selected Heineken schemes are Bonitas, Discovery Health and Remedi Medical Aid Scheme. Contributions are a payroll deduction on a cost to company basis. There are many different medical scheme options within the 2 medical schemes in terms of affordability and health needs. Use this tool to filter and compare the options that are most appropriate for you and your family.

How to use the tool

  1. The rates are automatically calculated for the main member.
  2. Select “add dependant” to add spouse, adult(s), or child(ren).
  3. The rate calculator tool will start generating the costs and order based on benefit richness.
  4. By selecting “Group by plan type,” the table will group the plans allowing you to expand and collapse the groupings.
  5. To view further detailed information about the rate, select the required plans by clicking on each row. Once completed, click the “View Contributions” button.
  6. To revert to the list of plans, click the “Back to Selection” button.

Benefit comparison

Compare options and benefits across medical schemes side by side with this comparison tool.

How to use the tool

  1. The rates are automatically calculated for the main member.
  2. Select “add dependant” to add spouse, adult(s), or child(ren).
  3. Answer the three questions relating to hospital and day-to-day cover.
  4. Select your budget range using the sliding scale.
  5. The option comparison tool will start generating your contribution and order based on benefit richness.
  6. By selecting “Group by plan type,” the table will group the plans allowing you to expand and collapse the groupings.
  7. To view further detailed information about the plans, select the required plans by clicking on each row. Once completed, click the “View Comparison” button.
  8. To revert to the list of plans, click the “Back to Selection” button.


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