Year-end option changes

Medical scheme changes

Bonitas and Discovery have made changes to their contributions and benefits effective 1 January 2024. Read an overview of the changes and contribution rates.

Gap changes

Admed Gap has made some adjustments to their benefits and rates for 2024. The contribution payable from January is Rxx per family per month. The changes are summarised.

Primary care changes

Discovery Flexicare is available to employees earning less than R15 000 per month. There have been some changes to the benefit and contribution for 2024.

How to change your option / scheme

Please sign in below if you want to change your option within your current medical scheme or change medical schemes within your employer preferred arrangements effective from 1 January 2024.

Please use your ID number as username and membership number as password.

Please note that option changes within your current medical scheme will be carried out before the end of the year without any further requirements. However, for all medical scheme changes, this portal will provide you with the relevant membership application form to be completed and submitted to your HR / Payroll representative for processing to complete the change.

How to join gap cover

If you are not already an Admed Gap member, you have the opportunity to join the product on 1 January 2024. Certain Waiting Periods may apply.

How to join primary care

If you are not already a Discovery Flexicare, and you qualify in terms of the entry criteria (earn less than R15 000 CTC), you have the opportunity to join the product on 1 January 2024. No waiting periods will apply. Your medical scheme membership will be cancelled if you join this product.

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