Leaving your employer

Continuing in your private capacity
If you would like to continue the same membership, but just start paying your contributions by debit order, you need to complete your banking details for the payment. You will need to provide supporting documentation like proof of bank details and your identity document.

If you are retiring from your employer, and would like to continue the same membership, you will need to supply your banking details for the payment to become a debit order. You may remain as part of the Altron Group and continue to get the group communications or become a private individual with your medical scheme. You will need to provide supporting documentation like proof of bank details and your identity document.

Joining a new employer
If you are joining a new employer, on the same medical scheme, you will need to ask the new employer to transfer you to their group arrangements. If the new employer has a different medical scheme arrangement, Altron will terminate your membership at the end of month of your resignation.

How to terminate your membership
As membership to a medical scheme is a condition of employment at Altron, you may only terminate your membership if you are leaving Altron or if you are joining your spouse’s medical scheme. You need to inform Altron if membership must be terminated.